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David Reardon & Associates

David Reardon has over thirty years’ experience working in policy, analysis and evidence sourcing in Justice, Equalities and Organisation Design

If you're considering a contract or would like examples of our symposia and conference papers, please get in touch.

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We involve staff, stakeholders and service users in provision and delivery chain


We apply organisational analysis and improvement tools (and common sense)


Central design, regional shaping and local delivery

David worked for 4 years in the Prime Minister’s Social Exclusion Unit as justice and diversity policy adviser, contributing to a number of seminal reports focusing upon the issues of exclusion, equalities and diversity, young people, regeneration and justice. More recently, he was the Senior Civil Servant heading the Criminal Justice System (CJS) Race Unit, accountable to Government Department Ministers (through the National Criminal Justice Board), and which shaped and designed national, regional and local strategy to reduce any race disproportion in CJS outcomes.

David Reardon

His background career was as Assistant Chief Probation Officer firstly responsible for probation delivery in the 6 London Prisons, then probation delivery in Lambeth Borough, then for the London Approved Hostel sector and finally, for Quality and Standards Audit.

Our Services

In addition to this experience, some relevant specific consultant assignments are:

Adversarial to Enabling

Investigation and proofing of the agency tribunal stance.

Experience of Justice

Working for the United Nations Development Programme in Malé, Maldives - mapping the experience of individuals in the criminal justice system.

Rehabilitation and probation

In Barbados as lead consultant in the analysis and restructure of the Probation Department and working with allied justice agencies.

We have an international criminal justice experience encompassing:


Chicago (third sector rehabilitation prisons), New York (Federal Probation Service) Atlanta (Judges conference)


prisons across the country


on behalf of the Barbadian Government and the IDB - criminal justice system, analysis and restructure of the Probation Department


contributor to international conference


prisons across the country


Melbourne - homelessness / rehabilitation


for the UNDP mapping the experience of individuals in the criminal justice sector

Contact us

Don't waste time. Contact us to make use of our depth of knowledge and breadth of skills.
